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Instructions: PC Computer w/Windows Media player
How to play .m3u files if they don't play automatically.

  • Open Windows Media Player
  • Go to 'Tools'
  • Choose 'Options' then close the Internet Explorer Windows Media window that pops up
  • Go to 'Tools'
  • Choose 'Options'
  • Choose 'Formats'
  • Highlight the boxed line for MP3 Format Sound
  • Make sure that the Description below includes the .m3u extension, if not, update Windows Media Player
  • Uncheck then check the box for MP3 Format Sound
  • Choose 'Apply'


Instructions: Internet Explorer 5.0 (for Mac).
You will need
Real Player on your computer (download here)
If you have a PC computer, with Internet Explorer,
check the help area on how to download .m3u files,
or try using the following instructions
(you may have to modify a few steps)
1. Go to FILE and choose Edit Preferences
2. Within the Left Column, choose File Helpers under the Receiving Files Category
3. Under the List of Applications click the button named ADD and a window like the picture below will appear.
4. Fill out the sections just as the picture below (audio, .m3u. etc)...be sure to click the two Browse buttons and choose Real Player.
.. when you are finished... click
OK. You will return to the previous window, click OK again
5. When you now click on a song name on Peter Edward's home page, the application Real Player should be launced and the song will play!



--- E-mail Peter at: peteredwardsmusic@yahoo.com ---



©2005-2009 Peter Edward Firk